Branding and Graphic Design
Well-executed brand design designs builds credibility and brand recognition by creating a consistent visual language and providing an instant connection to your services.
We can help you develop the collective elements that make you or your company unique, giving you that “X Factor” that brings instant distinction and notoriety.
Our branding services include the following:
Building an identity from the ground up
Re-branding established businesses
Establishing brand messaging
Business, product or service name selection
Designing a brand logo
Designing marketing collateral
Formulating brand guidelines for design, style and tone

Social Media Services
Notable companies and brands are increasingly taking advantage of social media and digital marketing as more people are spending time and interacting online.
Not only does social marketing extend the reach of a brand’s personality but using social networks and using them well can be a great way to convert your audience into clients.
Our Social Media services include the following:
Social media branding across platforms
Content Strategy for social media
Content Creation: Graphics & Copy
Publishing content to SM platforms
Community Engagement
Creating and Running Ads
Web Design and Development
Your website is now your first contact point with potential clients. If you make a Bad Impression, you lose a potential conversion but if you make a Great Impression, you can potentially gain and keep a client for life.
We can help you design and create a compatible, interactive and easy to navigate website, with great visual elemens that can effectively communicate with your audience.
Our web design services include the following:
Designing the look and feel of the website
Developing websites (Wordpress / Wix)
Redesigning or Improving an existing website
Writing content for a new or existing website

Content Strategy and Creation
Content is king! It's just as true today as it was decades ago. We craft content that speaks volumes.
We can help you create world class content for your social media platforms and websites. We can also write unique product copy, blog articles and email marketing campaign copy.
Our content strategy and creation services include the following:
Develop plans which you use content (audio, visual, and/or written) to achieve your business goals
Writing, reviewing, editing, and updating content for client websites, blogs, marketing materials, and similar platforms.
Conducting research and interviews to learn more about current trends, developments, and perceptions about the subject matter, and then contextualizing your findings.
Event Planning, Marketing and Management
Here is what you need to know about the Cheny Media team. We have distinct personalities, we're adventurous, determined, assertive, innovative, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, optimistic and we are ready to serve you.
Yes you!
We can plan and coordinate your book launches, golf days, company awards ceremonies, dinner events, public events, conferences, special events, social events and more.
Our event planning, marketing & mgt services include the following:
Full planning, management and execution of a broad variety of events
Partnerships, Sponsorship Strategy, Experiential Marketing, Strategy and Ideation
Event Marketing and Stakeholder Communication and Management
Everything else in between, including scheduling; venue sourcing; Invitations; event staffing, celebrity/influencer and media management; publicity management; gift organising; programme drafting; speaker management; supplier management; photographer briefing etc